Therapist | Speaker | Trainer


Brandy Stinson


As a therapist, Brandy provides individuals with caring, ethical and dynamic care to help them meet their goals to move forward in life.


Brandy is a leading mental health expert that brings engaging and insightful topics to her audiences. She sheds light on topics such as self-care, spirituality, grief, and boundaries.


Brandy provides group training for corporations, organizations, and businesses on self-care as well as ways to support staff/team members.

Hi, I’m Brandy

As a mental health clinician and advocate, I am deeply committed to using various mediums - including public speaking, training, and writing - to lend my voice and raise awareness. I am thrilled to share my passion for addressing crucial topics that help individuals, organizations, and audiences across various platforms to foster healthier dynamics in their mental health.

Work with me

  • Mental Health Trainer

    Provides group training for corporations, organizations and businesses on self-care as well as ways to support staff/team members. To request this service, please click the button below to learn more

  • Advocate/Speaker

    Brandy provides mental health information as panelist and conference/event speaker. Her passion is to deliver a message that is relatable and point individuals and groups in the right direction for resources. To request this service, please click the button below to learn more

  • Church/Ministry Training

    Church / Ministry Training

    Provides training to ministry leaders and pastoral care staff on when to refer for therapy and establishing systems for caring for parishioners in need of mental health services. To request this service, click the button below to learn more